Friday, October 26, 2007

Silly Kids

Well here are my silly kids. The boys found these outfits in their closets and put them on and said we look alike not realizing that they definantly look similar anyways.
This is all 4 of them left to right Alison, John, Melvin & Jacob. Alison was mad because she could not take a picture with the boys. It would have been the above picture.
This is Alison and her silly face. That is only face a mother could love.
Melvin wanted to take a picture of them doing a silly face so here is my silly faced kids. They are in the same order as above.
I hope everyone enjoys all of the new pictures of the kids. We were just being silly this afternoon and these were the best pictures. We are going to be carving a pumpkin tomorrow and I will share all of those pictures of everyone getting messy later. I hope everyone is well. Talk to all soon.
