Friday, November 16, 2007

Melvin's Thanksgiving Activites

This game is they had beans in a basket plate and they were red on one side and white on the other. The kids held the baskets up and let them fall and then colored how many beans on the plate were red on a piece of paper.

Melvin had some Thanksgiving Activities today at School here are some of the pictures that I had taken. This one is him wearing his colar and hat.

Counting Cranberries he had to predict how many that he would be able to pick up with just one handfull. He said 4 but he got 13, he under estimated his hand size.
At this activity they are learning how the Pilgrams churned their own butter. The kids did it by shaking whipping cream in baby food jars.
This was just a game that maybe the kids would have played back then. Tossing a piece of cloth in the air to see how many times that they could hit it up before it hit the ground.
This one they were making Cornbread to eat later with their homemade butter.
I enjoyed watching play and getting to see him in school. It definantly was a fun experience. Now he is off for 1 week for thanksgiving break. Yeah!!!
Lee, Brandy, Melvin, John, Jacob and Alison